Welcome to Honington & Sapiston
Honington and Sapiston are conjoint villages 10 miles North East of Bury St Edmunds
and 6 miles South East of Thetford, having one Parish Council.
The villages were part of the Ixworth Priory until the dissolution of the monasteries and are now on The Euston Estate.
They were at the centre of the wool industry when the river Blackbourn was navigable and this history is reflected in the
Sapiston Village Sign: a Sheep hurdle.
Whilst both villages have churches, only All Saints at Honington is active. St Andrews at Sapiston is redundant, although there are a number of services throughout the year, as notified in the village newsletter. Like many medieval churches it is some distance from the centre of the village, reflecting the move of the villagers from the dwellings that were infested with The Black Death. There are several gravestones from this period, with the skull and crossbones clearly visible.
A new Village Hall was opened in 2014, having been constructed with help from the Lottery, the Parish Council and local residents.
Activities in the villages and in the hall may be seen on the website calendar - or click on the image below.
There is a very successful CEVC Primary School in Honington, with many of the children of personnel at RAF Honington.
For more information please click on the images below.