POTS Gardening Club
Enjoying gardening and wildlife
Enjoying gardening and wildlife
POTS Gardening Club meets in Coney Weston Village Hall.
In January we meet for a social evening meal.
February /March/April we have speakers on the last Thursday of every month.
Doors open at 7pm and the talks begin at 7.30
The evening also includes a raffle and refreshments and speakers often bring plants for sale.
May/June/July and August we visit gardens and go on a coach trip to a garden further afield.
Talks begin again in September with a break for Christmas.
You can become a member of POTS by paying a £10 annual membership fee and £2 on the door.
Less frequent guests pay £3 on the door.
Subjects for talks focus on flowering plants, vegetables, garden design, famous gardens.
We have had talks about bees, butterflies, birds and bugs (friends or foes).
Also talks about specific garden plants (eucomis, sweet peas, roses etc) and gardening skills (pruning, propagating etc) … and many more topics.
We welcome new members - come and join us for friendly evenings.
For more information contact:
Penny Black: [email protected] 01953681506 or
Richard Dinnen: [email protected]
In January we meet for a social evening meal.
February /March/April we have speakers on the last Thursday of every month.
Doors open at 7pm and the talks begin at 7.30
The evening also includes a raffle and refreshments and speakers often bring plants for sale.
May/June/July and August we visit gardens and go on a coach trip to a garden further afield.
Talks begin again in September with a break for Christmas.
You can become a member of POTS by paying a £10 annual membership fee and £2 on the door.
Less frequent guests pay £3 on the door.
Subjects for talks focus on flowering plants, vegetables, garden design, famous gardens.
We have had talks about bees, butterflies, birds and bugs (friends or foes).
Also talks about specific garden plants (eucomis, sweet peas, roses etc) and gardening skills (pruning, propagating etc) … and many more topics.
We welcome new members - come and join us for friendly evenings.
For more information contact:
Penny Black: [email protected] 01953681506 or
Richard Dinnen: [email protected]
Last Thursday of the month - Coney Weston Village Hall - Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm