The Parish Council were saddened to receive the resignation of Cllr Mark Jacklin. We thank him for all his efforts in improv- ing our community and wish him well with his upcoming project. The Council advertised the vacancy left by Cllr Jacklin, no request for an election was received. The Parish Council can now co-opt and if you feel you could spare some time (the Parish Council meets bi-monthly) to become more involved in local issues then please speak with any Councillor or the Clerk to learn more about the role.
The Parish Council's next meeting is on 11th November 2024 at 7pm in the Village Hall.
It will soon be time for "The tidiest village competition". We ask that the verges or land outside properties be kept neat and tidy, not only to improve the appearance of our villages but also to impress the judges when they visit us.
As we move closer to the festive season the hall will be getting ready a bit earlier this year as we have our annual Christmas Fair and Santa’s Grotto on Sunday 17th November. Come and meet the elves! There is no Community Lunch or Supper this month due to hall bookings and a busy chef!!
Our Christmas dinner is on Saturday 30th November this year and I am very much looking forward to seeing you there. Don’t forget if you have an up and coming event in 2025/26 visit our website www.hsvh.org.uk and complete a booking form and I will get back to you with discounted hire rates for residents of Honington, Sapiston and RAF Honington. We do have some weekly spaces for hire if you know someone who is looking to start up a group or classes. We offer very com- petitive rates for 3 hours hire - just let me know via the website. Ian PP
We are looking forward to welcoming ticket holders to our meal. You should have received your tickets by now and please check for any dietary requirements.
We will be doing a bottle and chocolates draw and would be grateful for any prize donations given to either Linda Howe, Harlequin Cottage, or Ian Patterson Parker at the Hall.
Our annual Christmas market is on 17th November and we would very much appreciate donations for the raffle. You can drop them off to us at Homelea, Church Road, Honington IP31 1RG, or we can collect them from you. Thank you. Annette Waterman.
We have had a busy start to the term with lots of exciting learning both inside and outside the classroom. One class is having weekly Forest School learning down by the river, another class is having swimming lessons, our Year 4’s are learning the ukulele and our Reception class are having balance bike sessions! Some of our children are having music lessons with IRock, where they are forming a band – so exciting. We had a wonderful visit from two Yeoman Warders who told us all about their life as Beefeaters within the walls of the Tower of London – so interesting. We raised an amazing £430 during our recent MacMillan Coffee Morning – all organised and run by our Year 6 children.
Our Christmas Fayre is on Friday 6 December in the school hall 3.30 – 5.30 pm - Everyone is welcome!
Congratulations to Maria and Benjamin Cusworth, Sharon Croucher and Libby Balaam, the lucky winners of the Monthly Money Draw last month. In November we will be starting a new subscription. If you wish to take part, please contact Marion tel 269492 as soon as possible and let her have your £15 entry so that your number can be in the Draw.
Our friendly Coffee Morning will be on Tuesday 5th Nov. at 10.30am in the Village Hall, everyone is most welcome.
There will be tickets for sale, for a BEETLE DRIVE and PLOUGHMANS SUPPER in the Village Hall, that we are going to hold on 16th November starting at 7pm. Tickets in advance from Marion tel. 269492 are £10, Come and have some fun!
We now have a CCTV system installed in Honington church to try and prevent any more vandalism taking place. We also have a QR way of donating any moneys, or collection at any services, this is displayed in the porch and on the font.
Our Everyone Together service is titled All Saints Sparklers on Sunday 3rd at 3.30pm.
This month is our annual Remembrance Service starting at 10.45 on Sunday 10th.
The speaker this month was Mike Long whose talk was entitled Family Farming at Jubilee Farm. Mike gave us a brief outline of his family, 5 children home tutored by his wife, and how they got involved in farming. It was a change of direction for them and they've only been doing it for a year but are loving it. Mike is inspired by "Regenerative Agriculture" and told us how it differs from current practice. Mike is a very knowledgeable speaker and enthusiastic about his subject which made for a most enjoyable talk.
Greene King are collecting tubs for recycling and we were asked to take empty tubs, the type that contain Quality St., Roses etc, to any GK pub.
Mike judged the potato print entries for this month's competition. 1st Chris L, 2nd Tricia and 3rd Doreen A. November's meeting has a talk called Uganda Crafts / Supporting a School and the speaker is Alison Brain.
If you would like to try a WI meeting (free of charge!) do just come along - or contact Tricia tel. 268442 or email honing- [email protected] to find out more.
Our October meeting was an extremely enjoyable practical evening led by local photographer, Lucy Kayne. Using phones and cameras to capture, via longer exposure times, the movement of LED torches in a darkened main hall. Some weird and wonderful images were taken. Please go to www.hsvh.org.uk/camera-club.html to view recent images.
Our November 19th meeting at 7 pm has “Action” as our subject task. Email [email protected] for more information.
We had a very successful work day in October, with major path clearance. We are not going to meet over the winter, but restart in March. Thank you to all the Team who have made the area so successful over the year. GS
Just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped me with the art exhibition and craft fair, it was a great success and everyone enjoyed the talent from our group. We even got four people interested in joining which would be amazing. Now looking forward to our Christmas party. Netty Mendez.
Please visit the Parish Council website https://www.honingtonandsapiston.com for all the latest news from the Parish Council – info on road closures, works in the area, press reports etc as well as Nature Notes from Brian (continuing what he did during covid in the Hub) with news of wildlife around us. Also, a community page for growing veg etc in your own garden – let us know your tips and tricks, or any other hints you’d like to share, there’s also a “wins & challenges” page for you to let us know what you have achieved or a charity event you’re taking part in … there’s a photo page you can contribute to, a history page in the making and so much more! And it changes all the time …
And visit the Hall website https://www.hsvh.org.uk/ for everything that’s going on at the Hall and everything you need to know – see what Clubs are up to, when is the next Community Meal, … and most importantly, Bin Days! See what the WI have been up to and support our local ‘Still Good Food’ shop and help use food that would otherwise go to waste – it’s not a food bank and anyone can go.
Please remember to leave your bins out the night before the stated collection day, or by 06.15 on the actual collection day. NB: Bin days may differ for people living on the outskirts of Sapiston and on bank holidays.
Monday 4 November - BROWN bin
Tuesday 5 November - BLUE bin
Tuesday 12 November - BLACK bin
Monday 18 November - BROWN bin
Tuesday 19 November - BLUE bin
Monday 26 November - BLACK bin
All meetings and events listed above take place at Honington and Sapiston Village Hall unless otherwise stated. If you are interested in setting up a new group please contact Ian Patterson-Parker to discuss hall availability and costs. 01359 268880. The hall is licensed for weddings and is available to hire for parties, meetings, exercise classes etc. The hall has a fully licensed bar and full catering kitchen.
Please don’t forget to use our new and updated website for information on all Hall events. Here you can view menus for all community meals, dates of church coffee mornings, different activities being held, copies of the newsletter, etc. www.hsvh.org.uk.
Contributions for the December newsletter to be submitted via e-mail to Carol King ([email protected]) by
20th November. Entries can be dropped off to Carol at Boreham House, Sapiston, if preferred.
FUTURE DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Friday 6th December - Honington School Christmas Fayre 15.30 – 17.30
The Parish Council were saddened to receive the resignation of Cllr Mark Jacklin. We thank him for all his efforts in improv- ing our community and wish him well with his upcoming project. The Council advertised the vacancy left by Cllr Jacklin, no request for an election was received. The Parish Council can now co-opt and if you feel you could spare some time (the Parish Council meets bi-monthly) to become more involved in local issues then please speak with any Councillor or the Clerk to learn more about the role.
The Parish Council's next meeting is on 11th November 2024 at 7pm in the Village Hall.
It will soon be time for "The tidiest village competition". We ask that the verges or land outside properties be kept neat and tidy, not only to improve the appearance of our villages but also to impress the judges when they visit us.
As we move closer to the festive season the hall will be getting ready a bit earlier this year as we have our annual Christmas Fair and Santa’s Grotto on Sunday 17th November. Come and meet the elves! There is no Community Lunch or Supper this month due to hall bookings and a busy chef!!
Our Christmas dinner is on Saturday 30th November this year and I am very much looking forward to seeing you there. Don’t forget if you have an up and coming event in 2025/26 visit our website www.hsvh.org.uk and complete a booking form and I will get back to you with discounted hire rates for residents of Honington, Sapiston and RAF Honington. We do have some weekly spaces for hire if you know someone who is looking to start up a group or classes. We offer very com- petitive rates for 3 hours hire - just let me know via the website. Ian PP
We are looking forward to welcoming ticket holders to our meal. You should have received your tickets by now and please check for any dietary requirements.
We will be doing a bottle and chocolates draw and would be grateful for any prize donations given to either Linda Howe, Harlequin Cottage, or Ian Patterson Parker at the Hall.
Our annual Christmas market is on 17th November and we would very much appreciate donations for the raffle. You can drop them off to us at Homelea, Church Road, Honington IP31 1RG, or we can collect them from you. Thank you. Annette Waterman.
We have had a busy start to the term with lots of exciting learning both inside and outside the classroom. One class is having weekly Forest School learning down by the river, another class is having swimming lessons, our Year 4’s are learning the ukulele and our Reception class are having balance bike sessions! Some of our children are having music lessons with IRock, where they are forming a band – so exciting. We had a wonderful visit from two Yeoman Warders who told us all about their life as Beefeaters within the walls of the Tower of London – so interesting. We raised an amazing £430 during our recent MacMillan Coffee Morning – all organised and run by our Year 6 children.
Our Christmas Fayre is on Friday 6 December in the school hall 3.30 – 5.30 pm - Everyone is welcome!
Congratulations to Maria and Benjamin Cusworth, Sharon Croucher and Libby Balaam, the lucky winners of the Monthly Money Draw last month. In November we will be starting a new subscription. If you wish to take part, please contact Marion tel 269492 as soon as possible and let her have your £15 entry so that your number can be in the Draw.
Our friendly Coffee Morning will be on Tuesday 5th Nov. at 10.30am in the Village Hall, everyone is most welcome.
There will be tickets for sale, for a BEETLE DRIVE and PLOUGHMANS SUPPER in the Village Hall, that we are going to hold on 16th November starting at 7pm. Tickets in advance from Marion tel. 269492 are £10, Come and have some fun!
We now have a CCTV system installed in Honington church to try and prevent any more vandalism taking place. We also have a QR way of donating any moneys, or collection at any services, this is displayed in the porch and on the font.
Our Everyone Together service is titled All Saints Sparklers on Sunday 3rd at 3.30pm.
This month is our annual Remembrance Service starting at 10.45 on Sunday 10th.
The speaker this month was Mike Long whose talk was entitled Family Farming at Jubilee Farm. Mike gave us a brief outline of his family, 5 children home tutored by his wife, and how they got involved in farming. It was a change of direction for them and they've only been doing it for a year but are loving it. Mike is inspired by "Regenerative Agriculture" and told us how it differs from current practice. Mike is a very knowledgeable speaker and enthusiastic about his subject which made for a most enjoyable talk.
Greene King are collecting tubs for recycling and we were asked to take empty tubs, the type that contain Quality St., Roses etc, to any GK pub.
Mike judged the potato print entries for this month's competition. 1st Chris L, 2nd Tricia and 3rd Doreen A. November's meeting has a talk called Uganda Crafts / Supporting a School and the speaker is Alison Brain.
If you would like to try a WI meeting (free of charge!) do just come along - or contact Tricia tel. 268442 or email honing- [email protected] to find out more.
Our October meeting was an extremely enjoyable practical evening led by local photographer, Lucy Kayne. Using phones and cameras to capture, via longer exposure times, the movement of LED torches in a darkened main hall. Some weird and wonderful images were taken. Please go to www.hsvh.org.uk/camera-club.html to view recent images.
Our November 19th meeting at 7 pm has “Action” as our subject task. Email [email protected] for more information.
We had a very successful work day in October, with major path clearance. We are not going to meet over the winter, but restart in March. Thank you to all the Team who have made the area so successful over the year. GS
Just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped me with the art exhibition and craft fair, it was a great success and everyone enjoyed the talent from our group. We even got four people interested in joining which would be amazing. Now looking forward to our Christmas party. Netty Mendez.
Please visit the Parish Council website https://www.honingtonandsapiston.com for all the latest news from the Parish Council – info on road closures, works in the area, press reports etc as well as Nature Notes from Brian (continuing what he did during covid in the Hub) with news of wildlife around us. Also, a community page for growing veg etc in your own garden – let us know your tips and tricks, or any other hints you’d like to share, there’s also a “wins & challenges” page for you to let us know what you have achieved or a charity event you’re taking part in … there’s a photo page you can contribute to, a history page in the making and so much more! And it changes all the time …
And visit the Hall website https://www.hsvh.org.uk/ for everything that’s going on at the Hall and everything you need to know – see what Clubs are up to, when is the next Community Meal, … and most importantly, Bin Days! See what the WI have been up to and support our local ‘Still Good Food’ shop and help use food that would otherwise go to waste – it’s not a food bank and anyone can go.
Please remember to leave your bins out the night before the stated collection day, or by 06.15 on the actual collection day. NB: Bin days may differ for people living on the outskirts of Sapiston and on bank holidays.
Monday 4 November - BROWN bin
Tuesday 5 November - BLUE bin
Tuesday 12 November - BLACK bin
Monday 18 November - BROWN bin
Tuesday 19 November - BLUE bin
Monday 26 November - BLACK bin
All meetings and events listed above take place at Honington and Sapiston Village Hall unless otherwise stated. If you are interested in setting up a new group please contact Ian Patterson-Parker to discuss hall availability and costs. 01359 268880. The hall is licensed for weddings and is available to hire for parties, meetings, exercise classes etc. The hall has a fully licensed bar and full catering kitchen.
Please don’t forget to use our new and updated website for information on all Hall events. Here you can view menus for all community meals, dates of church coffee mornings, different activities being held, copies of the newsletter, etc. www.hsvh.org.uk.
Contributions for the December newsletter to be submitted via e-mail to Carol King ([email protected]) by
20th November. Entries can be dropped off to Carol at Boreham House, Sapiston, if preferred.
FUTURE DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: Friday 6th December - Honington School Christmas Fayre 15.30 – 17.30